Premier Puppy Socialisation Experts Serving Farnham

At Canine Kids, we've garnered acclaim for our exceptional support and expert advice, drawing dog owners from across Farnham seeking top-tier training for their furry companions. Employing gentle, scientifically-proven methods, we empower you to effectively train your dog in a fun and supportive environment.

Empowering Puppy Socialisation:

Among our most sought-after offerings are our puppy socialisation sessions. Recognising the critical period of socialisation for puppies, typically between 3 and 14 weeks of age, we provide invaluable opportunities for your pup to interact positively with people, animals, and new environments.

Tailored Training Approach:

Understanding the short attention spans of young puppies, our training sessions are brief, typically lasting 5 to 10 minutes, and conducted multiple times throughout the day for maximum effectiveness. We recognise that potty training can be challenging and require patience, especially considering that puppies may not gain full bladder control until around 6 months of age.

Setting the Foundation for Success:

Early socialisation lays the groundwork for your puppy's future behaviour, helping prevent issues like fear-based aggression. Yet, mental stimulation is just as crucial as physical exercise. That's why we emphasise providing puzzle toys, interactive games, and stimulating training sessions to keep your puppy engaged and fulfilled.

Enjoyable Learning Experience:

At Canine Kids, we prioritise making training sessions enjoyable for both puppies and owners alike. Incorporating play and positive interactions into our sessions fosters a more engaging and effective learning environment.

Expert Guidance and Support:

Should you encounter challenges or specific behavioural issues along the way, our team stands ready to provide valuable guidance and unwavering support.

Discover Our Puppy Training Classes:

Ready to unlock your puppy's full potential? Explore our range of puppy training classes in Farnham today. For more information or to get started, don't hesitate to reach out to us.

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